Friday, July 27, 2007

Budapest Adventure

Libby and I spent five(!) fabulous hours in Budapest -- just one afternoon and then back on the train, all the way to Germany. We had a picnic and played all silly-like in the park...

We stumbled upon the memorial to the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. The memorial is beautiful, a huge set of giant pillars, that are at first disparate and then come together into one.

Then there´s this nice plaque...

And a flag which is reminiscient of the revolutionary days, when people cut the communist emblem out of the center of the flag:

Then I had the tremendous luck to be able to play two fun games of chess with this old man. He spoke no english whatsoever, but was sweet as could be. Oh, and he did say one thing in english. When I had been trying to take one of his pawns for many moves, and then he just stepped the pawn out of the way, he said, "tick, tock. tock, tick." Just like that.

Then we went to these fabulous thermal baths. It was incredibly fun. All of the pools were from natural mineral water springs. Some were 38 degrees celsius, others more like pool temperature, some with jets like a hot tub, others just relaxing. And, in the pool one, there was this circular area with jets coming out of the walls, so you could just float and spin around in circles along with dozens of other laughing kids and adults. Fabulous!

The only down side was that we ended up taking a night train which had no more beds available, so we had a lousy night of sleep in the bike storage car of the train:

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